Building a full-fledged labour inclusion package for refugees and asylum seekers in Milan in the tourism and tertiary sector. A multi stakeholder activity.
ANOLF is an association promoted by Cisl that deals with orientation, support and promotion of the integration of migrant workers in Italy, through personal assistance, legal action against discrimination, relationship with institution and other associations.
FISASCAT Cisl Milano Metropoli, Filcams Cgil Milano, and Uiltucs Uil Milano operate in private services sectors (retail, Horeca, ICT, people services, etc.).
The pilot action is run in partnership with Enti Bilaterali (Trade unions and business co-managed bodies) EBiTer Milan (retail, ICT, advertising, etc.) with about 10.000 member companies and EBTpe Milano (horeca sector) with 3.000 member companies.
Context: Milan metropolitan area counts 3.2 million inhabitants, of which 450.000 are migrants (14%) and 3.800 refugees and asylum seekers.
The action: 40 people entitled of international protection (selected by contact points of ANOLF, CGIL, CISL and UIL in the Milan territory) will directly benefit of a training package that will include language training, education on labour issues, labour market orientation and training at workplace. The methodology includes balance of competence with the support of experts of EBITER and EBTPE.
Activities: A focal group meeting with up to 50 participants will be held in Milan, likely in September 2017. All partners and stakeholders will discuss needs and requirements concerning the inclusion of refugees in the labour market from the different perspectives. The pilot action will be therein illustrated.
A training package will be deployed between October 2017 and May 2018.
A second focal group meeting, 50 people, will be held in Rome, likely in June 2018, to illustrate the results of the action. The Labour-INT methodology will be illustrated and a work plan proposed. Conditions for multiplying best practices will be set.
Training Financing and methodology: Part of the training will be financed by the project:
- Selection of candidates, through ANOLF Milano. Candidates perform a first balance of competences and identification of training needs (only staff costs).
- Language course (basic knowledge): 80 hours on 20 days (4 classes of 10 people for homogeneity of language competence)
- Language course (workplace terminology): 20 hours on 5 days (4 classes of 10 people each)
- Citizenship education (rights, duties, opportunities, obligations) 20 hours on 5 days (4 classes of 10 people each)
- Balance of competence upgraded and CV validated by the methodology developed
The remaining part of the training will be Financed by EBTPE and EBITER (as already part of their work-programme):
- Vocational Training aimed at professional skill upgrading (60 hours on 15 days) (4 courses, participants grouped for homogeneous professional skills according to workplace destinations). Workplace training opportunities identified with EBTPE and EBITER.
- Training on the workplace 192 hours on 44 days in companies selected by Enti Bilaterali
In total, the 40 asylum-seekers and/or refugees will benefit from 180+192 hours of training and internships at the workplace, in the enterprises represented by EBTPE and EBITER. Partners of the action will merge their own methodologies in a single package including training tools, shared methodology for skill assessment, validation of qualification and CV development.
Contact person:
Maurizio Bove
CISL Milano Metropoli - Dipartimento Politiche Migratorie
FISASCAT Cisl Milano
Paolo Miranda