Labour Market Integration of Migrants. A MultiStakeholder Approach
Network Building Conference 10 & 11 April 2017
Motivational speeches
Liina Carr, Confederal Secretary, ETUC:
The trade union movement will operate in Labour-INT and our action will be based on solidarity, dignity and social dialogue.”
Valeria Ronzitti, General Secretary, CEEP:
CEEP committed to work with the other economic and social partners to support inclusion of refugees into work and society in the TSS “Statement of the EU economic and social partners on the refugee crisis” in March 2016, and will pursue this common objective through the LABOUR INT project.”
Arnaldo Abruzzini, CEO, EUROCHAMBRES:
Labour-INT is a first attempt to share good practices with a multi-stakeholder approach and we are confident that the outcome of the project will pave the way for further initiatives in that field”.
Maxime Cerutti, Director Social Affairs, BusinessEurope:
"Economic and social partners are well placed to advise and support public authorities at the national and local level in their efforts to develop responses for the labour market integration of refugees. To effectively contribute to this process there needs to be a realistic assessment of the situation. Refugees arriving in Europe are fleeing war and persecution and often they do not hold the necessary skills and competences for a working environment in their host countries. Therefore, we need to assess what kind of support these people need and adapt legal frameworks, where this is necessary, to facilitate their labour market integration as quickly as possible."
Liliane Volozinskis, Director for Social Affairs, UEAPME:
Crafts and SMEs are most active at local level, integrating refugees either through on-the-job training, apprenticeship or work, strongly supported by their intermediary organisations, notably Skilled Crafts Chambers. Last but not least labour market integration should also rely on the strong potential of migrants to become entrepreneurs. However, the initial skills assessment which is at the heart of the Labour-INT project remains an important challenge, which is crucial for determining the right training and integration path of migrants”.
Claire Courteille, Director, ILO-Brussels:
“As an organisation which has social dialogue at its very heart, the ILO warmly welcomes the Labour-INT project through which the European social partners commit themselves to support the integration of refugees and asylum seekers into EU labour markets”
Marko Tanasic, ZSSS-UnionMigrantNet:
“For the UnionMigrantNet and for the trade union movement in general the equal treatment for all workers, without exceptions, is the core of our demands and the corner stone of the cohesive and multi-ethnic society. Our commitment starts from the lessons we have learned over past years: an advanced information system and efficient advocacy of migrant labour and social rights is the key to enable them to access a larger set of integration measures. This will be our priority, so everyone who share our principles is welcomed to join us and support us in these efforts”.
Teresa Albano, Economic Affairs Officer, Officer of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA):
“Under Construction”